SoP – Quality Check


  • Files naming: All files should be named with the job# on it.
  •  Filing: The name of the folder in Exact Target needs to be checked. If the new email is under an existing campaign, it needs to be added in the same folder of that campaign.
  • Template design: are you using the correct type of template (Mass Affluent / Platinum / Centurion)
  • Fonts: are we using the correct guideline fonts / fallback fonts?
  • Images: are they linked? Is the “Alt” and “Title” text changed/added?
  • Sender email address: check if you are using the right address (Amex Marketing / Platinum Services / Centurion)• Subject line: check for typos (test personalization, if requested)
  • Pre-header / Preview text: check if this is updated as per the current campaign? Check for typos. Short and simple.
  • Language Browser version: Check if the browser links are redirecting to the correct language.
  • Footer:
    • Check if the Customer Services link is the latest version (Or as per the Market. E.g. Qatar email should have Qatar customer service link)Check all legal lines. How about the Arabic version, are you keeping the UAE legal line?Terms & Conditions: Check if the terms and conditions are updated as per the current campaign. Check for typos. Also check if there is a PDF linked and is it updated.Unsubscribe link: always includeNavigation: check if the links are the latest versions